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Newspapers Serving the Area


List of Newspapers:
The Criterion
Herald Weekly
Indiana Journal
Indianapolis Business Journal
The Spotlight
The Indianapolis Star
The Indiana Lawyer
Indianapolis Recorder Newspaper
American Classified
Blue News Inc.
Indiana Labor News
Ft.Wayne Journal Gazette
Indiana Legislative Insight
Indiana Weekender
La Ola-Latino Americana Indianapolis
South Bend Tribune
West Side Messenger

The Indianapolis Star-Daily Newspaper
Location: 8278 Georgetown Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46268
Ownership: Eugene C. Pulliam (Original owner and publisher)
Editor: Dennis R. Ryerson
Daily Circulation: 252,041
Sunday Circulation: 369,101
Brief Description: The Indianapolis Star is the main newspaper for the city.  It provides an in depth look at central and local news as well as obituaries for the surrounding counties.

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